Small syringe great effect

Botox treatment for wrinkles

Since the introduction of botulinum toxin (BOTOX, VISTABEL, AZZALURE, DYSPORT, BOCOUTURE,
XEOMIN ) and the associated therapy options for mimic-related wrinkles in the area of forehead, the surgical indication for a forehead lift has clearly come into the background. As a rule, there is no excess of the skin in the area of the forehead, and thus a tightening operation is nonsensical.

Botulin toxin acts on the end plate of the nerves and blocks the release of a messenger subject, which is responsible for the tension of the muscles. This way, the facial muscles relax. Extreme skin movements, which are responsible for the formation of wrinkles, are prevented, already existing wrinkles are smoothed.
In addition, the injection of botulinum toxin has been proven to have a positive effect on the foreheader emigrants. 

Methods of Botox treatment:

During wrinkle treatment with botulinum toxin, a very fine injection needle precisely insisted in those muscles that cause wrinkles by frequently contracting.
The application is carried out on an outpatient basis and has an effect after a few days.
Due to the low activity of individual facial muscles, one gets used to a crease-inducing mimic extent at the same time and thus prevents the development of new age characteristics.
Treatment with botulinum toxin belongs to the hands of specially trained doctors.

Advantages of a wrinkle treatment with botulin toxin type A:

Soft and Safe
Natural appearance
Long-lasting effects from 3 to 8 months (vary individually)
repeatable treatments
No surgery or anaesthetic
one of the most effective drugs for mimic wrinkles

Areas of application:

- forehead longitudinal so-called. Wrath
- Forehead cross-traptening
eye wrinkles so-called. Crow feet
Folding and wrinkles of the corners of the mouth so-called. Puppet folds
Nose bridge
Chin and neck wrinkles

The cost of a Botox® treatment depends on the dosage of the drug.

Wrinkles: 250 – 300 €
Front folding (crossfold): 250 – 350 €
eye wrinkles: 200 – 250 €
Wrinkles for rage + forehead wrinkles: from 350 €
Folds: 150 €


You may reach us in three different options:


Bldg. 310, Zone 45 St. 860
Old Airport Road,
Doha, Qatar


+974 7076-9595
+974 4451-6264

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